Welcome to Tuesday Musicale Juniors
Who are we?
Our club for young musicians has a
long history. The Parent club, the
Tuesday Musicale of Pasadena, was
founded in nineteen fourteen by a group
of gifted women who wanted to perform
music together for their own enjoyment
and that of the public their meetings
have always been held on the first
Tuesday of the month, October through
Tuesday Musicale of Pasadena, was
founded in nineteen fourteen by a group
of gifted women who wanted to perform
music together for their own enjoyment
and that of the public their meetings
have always been held on the first
Tuesday of the month, October through

Artist : Angelica Kauffman
The plan worked so well that, in nineteen twenty eight, the club stared an auxiliary group for their children who were studying instruments or Voice; it was called The Tuesday Musicale Juniors, or ”TMJ”, and meets at ten thirty AM on the second Saturday , October through May.
Pasadena’s Central public, an historic and architecturally significant civic showplace, was built in nineteen twenty seven, and since that year has been the site for the meetings of both The Tuesday Musicale Club, Our long and cordial association with the Library is a treasured centerpiece of our history, and the Club’s two Steinway pianos are housed there in the beautiful Donald Wright Auditorium.
photos taken by Catherine Yang
The plan worked so well that, in nineteen twenty eight, the club stared an auxiliary group for their children who were studying instruments or Voice; it was called The Tuesday Musicale Juniors, or ”TMJ”, and meets at ten thirty AM on the second Saturday , October through May.
Donald Wright Auditorium.
photos taken by Catherine YangThough the years, membership in TMJ has varied widely, at times reaching more than two hundred young musicians, Today’s members can take pride in belonging to a group with a long and successful history.
The primary goal of TMJ is that members learn to enjoy performing music in a public setting. After the years required to master an instrument, comes the time to share the results, and this activity demands skillful listeners as well as performers, Repeated appearances on a stage, and the mastering of performance protocols, produce, musicians for whom the experience is a comfortable, joyous event, Those in the audience learn courtesy and appreciation for each others’ efforts’ with the added bonus of hearing great music, well performed.
After the recitals, members mingle and enjoy snacks that have been brought by the performance. Congratulations on the performance are part of the socializing, as well as exchanges about the members’ other musical events.
Still-Life with Musical Instruments and Fruit
Artist : Cristoforo Munari (1667–1720)
How do we become members?
Members of TMJ are music students who have passed an audition by Audition Committee, This committee is made up of the TMJ board members and counselors, and auditions take place immediately before the monthly meetings, Repertory is two pieces form contrasting periods of musical history, not to exceed a ten minute total.
Each member is expected to appear in a recital at least once during a season (though we hope you will want to play oftener!), and to play yearly dues of Ten dollars to the Business Manager who cannot attend may be excused in advance by the Counselor.
Members’ other responsibilities are few but important; you should be willing to volunteer service on the board, beginning with the smaller jobs and working toward those with more responsibilities, All board positions change of address, etc., to The Corresponding Secretary for inclusion in the Newsletter, Especially, please read the Newsletter!
A Flute Concert Of Frederick The Great At Sanssouci
Artist: Adolf Menzel
Who makes all happen?
As much possible, TMJ is operated by a board of TMJ members, guided by about counselors, the board consists of:
President: conducts the brief business meeting each necessary things are getting done.
Program Chairman: puts together and prints the program for each month’s recital.
Membership Chairman: arranges applications and auditions for new members and conducts auditions.
Attendance Chairman: keeps lists of the attendance of monthly recitals.
Recording Secretary: takes minutes of meetings and records them.
Historian: collects copies of programs photos and newspaper articles about the members; these are kept in a scrapbook for each season.
The adult participants are members of Tuesday Musicale who offer to serve as Counselor and Business Manager; other women serve voluntarily as Advisers.
The Flute Player 1621 Artist: Hendrick Terbrugghen
How do we communicate?
We have three main avenues of communication within TMJ;
. A yearbook is handed to each member at the October meeting after his/her dues are paid. This contains a list of the board roster of members, with name address, ‘phone number, etc., and email address, Also included are the year’s meeting dates, extra recital dates, names and ‘phone numbers of advisors, and a copy of the TMJ bylaws.
. Eight TMJ Newsletters are mailed to members during the season, with news of members, remaining meeting dates, changes of address, and other important reminders.
. The telephone and its new adjunct, email is very important! When you have a new piece you’re eager to play, please call or email the Program Chairmen (see in year book) and tell him/her that you’re ready to perform, This saves a busy person endless time and calls.
Boquet of Peonies on a Musical Score 1876
Artist : Paul Gauguin
Our Yearly Calendar
Beside the eight meeting/recitals, TMJ members can appear each year at two recitals held at two-thirty on the second Sunday in January and May, which are sponsored by Tuesday Musicale, TMJ member volunteer for these formal public events, and form the entire program.
The Callie McGrath Competition
The Tuesday Musicale had for many years a loyal and beloved member named Callie McGrath, who was deeply affectionate toward the juniors and interested in the members’ Musical progress; she is gone, now, but left a generous bequest for the funding of an annual competition in her name.
This takes place on a Saturday in April; three judges who are professional music performers rank the entrants within three classifications, the winners perform on the Second Sunday Concert in the Spring this is an eagerly anticipated event, and in order to compete, member need only fulfill modest requirements in attendance and appearances, and pay a Fifteen dollar entrance fee.
The Concert Artist : Jacques Joseph Tissot